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The Rowan Center - A Sexual Assault Resource Agency

Meet Mary Liz Licata, August 2023 Volunteer of the Month

Home 9 Uncategorized 9 Meet Mary Liz Licata, August 2023 Volunteer of the Month
Mary Liz Licata stands outside on a hill, a view of valley behind her


What is your role at The Rowan Center?

I am a Volunteer Sexual Assault Advocate and Crisis Counselor.

What drew you to The Rowan Center?

The wide range of services and inclusive sense of community drew me to The Rowan Center.

What keeps you at The Rowan Center?

Being available for people in need as much as I can. Since I joined The Rowan Center, many people ask me about the services we provide.

What do you wish people knew about The Rowan Center?

I wish people knew how accessible The Rowan Center and our services are; just a call or text connects you.

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies in the summer are bicycling, swimming, birdwatching, and seeing bands at Calf Pasture.

What is something you are learning right now?

I am learning to identify birds by their songs and calls.