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Confidential Hotline: 203-329-2929
En Español: 888-568-8332

Trauma Recovery Clinic: 203-487-0675

Rowan Center Office: 203-348-9346

The Rowan Center - A Sexual Assault Resource Agency

Latest Past Events

Grounds for Discussion: Raising Awareness of Trafficking Affecting Our Youth

Ferguson Library 1 Public Library Plaza, Stamford

In recognition of Human Trafficking Awareness Month, The Rowan Center invites you to join us for coffee and a lecture on this challenging yet essential topic. Director of Education Sarah Malhotra will explain what domestic child sex trafficking entails, dispel myths perpetuated by movies and media, discuss its impact on our youth, and highlight protective measures we can strengthen as a community to combat this exploitation. Coffee and refreshments will be served. Register Now

Winter Wonderland Gala 2024

Wee Burn Country Club 410 Hollow Tree Ridge Rd, Darien

At this year's annual holiday event, our community gathers to stand together in the fight against sexual violence. This year, in response to a troubling rise in child abuse cases in local schools and concerning trends such as sex trafficking and sextortion, we are raising funds to expand our counseling and education services specifically for children.

Know Before You Go – New Canaan

New Canaan Public Library 151 Main Street, New Canaan

New Canaan High School juniors and seniors and their parents are invited to a presentation of The Rowan Center's Know Before You Go curriculum. This presentation is designed to prepare New Canaan students who are about to graduate for higher education or the workforce. We talk about the prevalence of sexual violence on college campuses, what resources to look for when researching prospective colleges, and how students can report sexual violence. We also inform students about consent, how rape culture and victim-blaming contribute to sexual violence, and how to intervene as a bystander to help their peers. Finally, we cover related legislation under which institutions are ruled, such as Title IX and the Cleary Act. The event will be held in the Craig B. Tate Conference Room at the New Canaan Public Library.
