The Rowan Center - A Sexual Assault Resource Agency

Crisis Counseling

We respect the right of each person to choose their own path in the healing process. Victims and their loved ones have the option of calling The Rowan Center’s hotline, participating in individual crisis counseling or support groups and/or receiving support during medical forensic exams, police reports, the investigation process and/or court proceedings. You can call us at anytime on the hotline!

The Rowan Center offers free individual counseling to primary and secondary victims of sexual violence, ages 10+, in English, Spanish, and Haitian-Creole.

Please fill out the contact form on this page below to inquire about individual counseling and one of our counselors will reach out to you through the email address you provide.  It is our practice to allow our clients to remain anonymous if they prefer, however we must ask for a working e-mail address only for the purpose of setting up your initial interaction with a counselor. Contact our Bilingual/Bicultural Intake Coordinator by phone at 203-487-0658.


If you prefer not to be contacted by email, you may also enquire about services through our hotlines:

(203) 329-2929

(888) 568-8332