The Rowan Center Logo - A Sexual Assault Resource Agency

Take the Pledge to End Sexual Violence with The Rowan Center!

Sexual violence doesn’t discriminate—and we are ALL part of the solution. We invite individuals, organizations, businesses, families, and communities to speak up, take the pledge, and join us in this fight!

We encourage you to think of a special way to support our work to end sexual violence this month—whether that is hosting a fundraiser, recommending a book, educating your staff, making a donation, gathering a few friends for dinner and conversation, or any other action that is meaningful to you and your community.

Sign the pledge—then take action in your school, business, family, or neighborhood! 

Add your name to the pledge!


If you’re taking the pledge on behalf of your organization, we invite you to download the pledge poster, fill it out, and display it for all to see.

Spread the word and help us invite more community members to take the pledge! Together, we can end sexual violence and support survivors. 


I am part of the solution


I also believe in this mission!


I believe in this mission!