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The Rowan Center - A Sexual Assault Resource Agency

Remembering Pam Graber

Home 9 Blog 9 Remembering Pam Graber
Pam Graber Headshot

Pamela Graber was a steadfast supporter of The Rowan Center. A resident of Westport, CT for nearly 27 years, she was an integral part of our community—raising her two children here, building deep friendships, enjoying numerous hobbies, and caring for her family alongside her husband, Lance. 

At The Rowan Center, Pam was a strong advocate and a force for positive change in our community. For years, she took regular weekly shifts answering calls, and she accompanied many victims and survivors of sexual violence to the hospital. She was proud of the work she did on behalf of victims and called advocates “life rafts” for survivors. 

She went on to serve as a Board member and a key member of our fundraising committee, helping to spearhead our annual Gingerbread event and helping us build The Rowan Center’s reach and impact. Through her service, she has left a powerful legacy for victims and survivors of sexual violence throughout Fairfield County. 

Pam died peacefully at home on December 6, 2022. We join with her many friends and family to grieve her loss and honor her life—one marked by enthusiasm, service, adventure, compassion, and exploration. We are grateful that she chose to spend so much time devoted to The Rowan Center’s mission, and we will continue to benefit from the seeds she sowed for years to come. We are all better for having served alongside her on behalf of victims and survivors in our community. 

To learn more about The Rowan Center, please visit therowancenter.org. Read more about Pam’s life and legacy at https://patch.com/connecticut/norwalk/obituary-pamela-graber-57-norwalk