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The Rowan Center - A Sexual Assault Resource Agency

Meet Zachary Boccarossa, February 2024 Volunteer of the Month

Home 9 Blog 9 Meet Zachary Boccarossa, February 2024 Volunteer of the Month

(He, Him, His)

Crisis Counselor and Advocate

What drew you to The Rowan Center?

I found the mission of The Rowan Center to be very admirable, and I was excited to have the opportunity to learn more about trauma-informed care. My supervisors seemed helpful and knowledgeable, capable of supporting me through what I knew would be challenging work.

What keeps you at The Rowan Center?

The staff at The Rowan Center are some of the most talented, kind, and friendly people I’ve met. Learning from them and the survivors we work with has been very fulfilling. I’ve felt truly welcomed.

What do you wish people knew about The Rowan Center? 

The Rowan Center offers many services to survivors beyond counseling, from court and hospital accompaniments to referrals that connect survivors with social services. We’re dedicated to creating a safe space for individuals seeking healing and recovery but we also facilitate our clients’ success and stability outside of that space.

What are your hobbies?

 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and cooking.

What is something you are learning?

I’m learning more about how to work with individuals with special needs, which has been very eye-opening and interesting.