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Confidential Hotline: 203-329-2929
En Español: 888-568-8332

Trauma Recovery Clinic: 203-487-0675

Rowan Center Office: 203-348-9346

The Rowan Center - A Sexual Assault Resource Agency

Meet Joanne Ettorre (she/her), Volunteer of the Month for October 2022

Home 9 Blog 9 Meet Joanne Ettorre (she/her), Volunteer of the Month for October 2022
Joanne Ettorre Headshot

What is your role at The Rowan Center?

I am a volunteer advocate on the hotline, and I also provide staff backup on the hotline.

What drew you to The Rowan Center?

I have always worked with special populations. When the volunteer training was offered, I was a resident services coordinator working with elderly residents and those with disabilities. I also had a large number of younger people who were experiencing trauma, especially around sexual assault, and I wanted to learn how to best support and advocate for those residents.

What keeps you at The Rowan Center?

Being able to provide education and advocacy for victims and survivors of sexual assault.

What do you wish people knew about The Rowan Center? 

Staff and volunteers here are supportive and strong advocates. The Rowan Center is not just for primary victims, they also provide support to secondary victims.

We are constantly growing and expanding our services for victims and survivors and secondary victims and survivors. 

And our services are voluntary and free.

What are your hobbies?

I love to travel—and more specifically, I love to cruise. I love being on the open water because it’s relaxing. 

What are you learning? 

I work with the elderly, so I am always learning about new services that are available to them to keep them as independent as possible in the community of their choice.